Thursday, March 4, 2010

American History: Distressed

Although it's a small part of black history, slavery somehow seems to overshadow the greatness and achievement that has also been a part of black history. This piece illustrates that dilemma, although a little late for black history month due to some technical difficulties on my part... Anyway, enjoy!

Please note that this is not intended to diminish or ignore the existence of slavery, but to point out that there are other parts of black history. Slavery did indeed happen in America and it continues to exist worldwide.


  1. Right on.
    Know what I'm sayin'?

    Good work.

    Hey, do you want to create a piece based on the theme "ROT"? It will be a one day exhibition at POST Gallery (downtown LA. Go to the Visually Impaired blog and see all the discussion etc about "ROT" ... it need not be literal.

    I'm going to the gallery today for a walk-through of the space. I think the schedule is posted on the blog. If I can GMST, I plan to do a piece and hopefully have it included in the show.

    Think about it and let me know. I like this piece... you might consider expanding on the idea for the show. (Political/Historical/Cultural ROT)... that's where I'm headed anyway.

  2. Hmmm, thats a thought, I'll think about it. Definitely need to get the exposure. Thanks for the heads up and the idea.

  3. In your honour and in honour of wall the Illustrators and Painters, I published
    an illustration.
